the span of 5 months, 3 true examples of FoRe! Jr. Ambassadors lost their lives, which birthed the idea of the 'A Heart FoRe!
...' Campaign. FoRe! went to Rebecca Lawlor Limited(RLL) and a partnership for this special 'Charity FUNdraiser', was formed. Not
only is FoRe! now making a way for women entrepreneurs, RLL have also agreed to share a portion of the proceeds to; their
Charity of Choice - the Hearts of Hope Foundation, FoRe! International and FoRe!'s Charity of Choice - which 'A Heart FoRe! ...' has been named and their own awareness ribbon assigned. It's
our goal to partner up with chosen like minded TEAMs with Purpose, who want to Raise Awareness, Promote Education, and keep
A Heart beat going FoRe! a Cause. And the most incredible thing is this...each RLL Heart is Hand Crafted and Created
Individually, representing God's refining Love, FoRe! You. May these children continue to inspire us to Live today as if it is our last and to sparkle
and shine while we do it! ~FoRe!International

Events FoRe! Women of all ages
